Are you noticing a receding hairline or wondering why your once-luscious locks aren’t as thick as they used to be? We’re here to explore the hairy truth about what causes hair loss or hair thinning and how CARE can help!

Are you noticing a receding hairline or wondering why your once-luscious locks aren’t as thick as they used to be? We’re here to explore the hairy truth about what causes hair loss or hair thinning and how CARE can help!


Let’s start with the usual suspect – good ol’ genetics. If your parents or grandparents had thinning hair, there’s a good chance you’ll follow suit. This is called pattern baldness, and it’s the most common cause of hair loss, affecting both men and women.


Hormones play a significant role in hair loss. Androgenetic alopecia, for instance, occurs when an excess of a hormone that comes from testosterone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) shrinks hair follicles. Testosterone is converted into DHT in these follicles, causing it to bind to receptors on the hair follicles. This binding causes a process known as miniaturization. Over time, the affected hair follicles become smaller and produce thinner, shorter hairs during each growth cycle.


Time waits for no one, and it certainly doesn’t spare our hair follicles. As we age, hair growth slows down, and the hair that does grow tends to be finer. It’s a natural part of the aging process, but it doesn’t make it any less frustrating.


Ever notice how your hair seems to shed more when you’re under a lot of stress? That’s because stress can trigger a condition called telogen effluvium. Basically, your hair prematurely enters the resting phase and falls out more than it should. So, chill out and give your hair a break!


Your hair needs a balanced diet too! A lack of essential nutrients like protein, iron, and certain vitamins can lead to hair loss. So, if you’ve been skimping on those leafy greens and lean proteins, it might be time for a dietary upgrade.


Believe it or not, your favorite hairstyles might be causing your hair to thin. Tight hairstyles like ponytails or braids can pull on the hair follicles, causing damage and hair loss over time. So, mix it up and give your hair a breather.

If you’re a fan of regularly coloring, perming, or straightening your hair, be aware that these chemical treatments can weaken your hair and lead to breakage and loss. Using harsh shampoos, excessive heat styling, or aggressive brushing can damage your hair and contribute to hair loss.


Sometimes, hair loss can be a sign of an underlying medical condition, such as thyroid problems or autoimmune diseases. Additionally, certain medications like chemotherapy drugs can cause hair loss as a side effect.


Let’s face it, hair loss is not fun! While we cannot change our genetics or stop the clock from ticking, there are steps you can take to slow down the process and care for your precious strands. Schedule your hair restoration consultation with a CARE practitioner to discuss the root cause and ensure you receive appropriate and safe treatments tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. In the meantime, remember your hair doesn’t define your awesomeness!

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